The Association of DAta Processing Service Organizations (ADAPSO) was founded in 1961 as a non-profit trade association for data processing service bureaus in the United States. ADAPSO was incorporated in 1962. ADAPSO changed its name to the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) in 1991. ADAPSO was the leading industry association for the computer software and services industry throughout the INPUT iCenter collection time frame (1975 – 2000).
Annual Survey Reports Available
ADAPSO contracted with a number of research organizations to produce an annual survey of the Computer Software and Services industry; this was a survey of ADAPSO members. INPUT researched and produced these reports from 1978 through 1986. INPUT is pleased to provide these reports for researcher review.
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1978 ADAPSO Twelfth Annual Survey of the Computer Software and Services Industry
1979 ADAPSO Thirteenth Annual Survey of the Computer Software and Services Industry
1980 ADAPSO Fourteenth Annual Survey of the Computer Software and Services Industry
1981 ADAPSO Fifteenth Annual Survey of the Computer Software and Services Industry
1982 ADAPSO Sixteenth Annual Survey of the Computer Software and Services Industry
1983 ADAPSO Seventeenth Annual Survey of the Computer Software and Services Industry
1984 ADAPSO Eighteenth Annual Survey of the Computer Software and Services Industry
1985 Survey to be uploaded in next release.
1986 ADAPSO, The Information Services Industry Status Report
For more information about ADAPSO/ITAA archive information please access University of Minnesota Libraries: Charles Babbage Institute.